Saturday, Mar. 17, 1923
(During the Past Week the Daily Press Gave Extensive Publicity to the Following Men and Women. Let Each Explain to You Why His Name Appeared in the Headlines.)
Secretary of State Hughes: "When someone mentioned 'vacation' to me I said: ' I have not thought of summer, nor even of spring. I have not heard the twitter of a bird!' "
Nicholas Coundouris, of cigarette fame: " I taught the English how to smoke cigarettes, made a fortune in tobacco, and now at 88 am declared bankrupt."
Bertrand Russell, author and philosopher: " I advised the British Independent Labor Party to learn from the Chinese how to be lazy and enjoy life."
Doctor Charles W. Eliot, President Emeritus of Harvard: " In an address in Boston I said that I used to drink wine and beer, but since prohibition I have been a teetotaler."
The Prince of Wales: " I am to be best man at the marriage of my brother Albert, the Duke of York. I received training in the duties of that office when I functioned for my friend Mountbatten."
Isadora Duncan: "The United States Department of Labor decided that I am not an American citizen because I married a Russian prior to the Woman's Separate Citizenship Law. That is a mild way of saying that I am likely to be prevented from landing as an undesirable alien, if ever I try to return to America. 1 should worry! "
Irvin S. Cobb: " I boarded a taxi in Manhattan, and was taken on such a wild ride that I finally had the chauffeur arrested for reckless driving. He got 15 days in the workhouse and I got a bad scare."
Reginald C. Vanderbilt: "My 18 year old bride of a few days, formerly Miss Gloria Morgan, daughter of the American Consul-General at Brussels, became ill with diphtheria at my farm in New Jersey before we had sailed for Europe on our honeymoon."
Lady Diana Manners, English beauty: " I was arrested for the sixth time for parking my car where it obstructed traffic. It cost me $10."
The Reverend Percy Stickney Grant: "I am getting more newspaper publicity than any other preacher in New York. In a sermon I said, ' We cannot keep up with the world's passions. For instance, we cannot keep up today with the lady murderers. . . . In my notes on this sermon I have entered this: What a hell of a world we live in! "
Princess Mary: " On March 25 my baby is to be christened George Henry Hubert. He will have a christening cake weighing 200 pounds."
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: "I told London newspapermen that I had touched and smelled ectoplasm. I am about to arrive in the United States to lecture on newly discovered spiritual phenomena."
Princess Hermine, wife of Wilhelm: " The Prussian Government is considering requisitioning my 40 room castle at Amtitz to relieve the housing shortage. I insist that the schloss should be reserved for the sole use of my 13 year old son, who is at present with me at Doorn."
Sir Basil Thomson, former head of Scotland Yard: "On returning to England from America, I told a large audience that Americans are the most honest and the most violent people on earth--and proceeded to prove it by statistics on swindling and murder."
Edward W. Bok: "My annual 'Philadelphia Award' of $10,000 for the most meritorious service to the city was given this year to Dr. Russell H. Conwell, President and founder of Temple University."
General Degoutte, French Commander in the Ruhr: " French newspaper men are complaining against the use of German titles by the Rhineland High Commission. One man was referred to as 'Chef du Deutschnationalerhandlungsgehilfenverband.'"
James J. Jeffries, once heavyweight champion of the world: " I told reporters in Los Angeles that in spite of my recent petition in bankruptcy, my friends and neighbors don't need to get up any collection of food and cast-off clothes just yet."
Jack Dempsey, present champion: "'Thanks, not interested,' was my reply to an offer of $100,000 to fight Tommy Gibbons in Cleveland."
Gertrude Atherton, novelist: "I am advocating a compulsory school for manners, to improve those awful people who eat with both elbows planted on the table and make horrible noises."
Eugene Debs: " In Chicago I said that John D. Rockefeller was to my way of thinking an abject pauper serving a life sentence in a castle at Tarrytown."
Pauline Lord, star in Anna, Christie: "In order to clear my name I filed a petition for the early trial of a divorce case in which I am named as co-respondent."
Senator Royal S. Copeland, of New York: " I carried a letter from Mayor Hylan to President Harding inviting him to be present at the celebration of the 25th anniversary of Greater New York on May 26."
Ex-Sultan Mohammed VI: " Over the long distance telephone, from Mecca to Jedda, I told Charles R. Crane that my most cherished hope is to find my final resting place here in the sacred city."
Secretary of War Denby: "On our way south to see the fleet maneuvers at Panama a storm prevented our party of Senators and government officials aboard the transport Henderson from stopping at Port-au-Prince, Haiti."
Mlle. Suzanne Lenglen: "European royalty is engaging seats for the Nice Lawn Tennis Tournament in the hope of seeing a match between Madame Mallory and myself. King Gustavus of Sweden, former King Manuel of Portugal, and the Duke of Connaught have already made reservations."
Jacinto Benavente, Spanish playwright: " I told an audience in New York that our morals are improving --in the time of Louis XIV it was the fashion to have two lovers and one confessor, now it is fashionable to have one lover and two confessors."
Prince Charles Max Lichnowsky, German Ambassador to Great Britain in 1914: "I accepted employment as the manager of a cigarette factory in Baden-Baden."
Leonid Krassin, Soviet Minister of Trade and Commerce: "I wrote an article for a Russian paper in which I explained why the United States fed starving Russians: In 20 years the United States will have to import food for its growing industrial population and Russia is the only great source America can draw on."
Lord Bearsted, former Lord Mayor of London: "I published a letter of the late Lord Fisher, First Lord of the British Admiralty in which he said: 'It was a damned fine old hen that hatched the American eagle.'"