Saturday, Mar. 17, 1923
The Royal Air Force
Mussolini has created an independent Air Force equal in importance to the Army and Navy.
Colonel Moizo, a delegate to the Washington Arms Conference, will take command of the new force and will be promoted to the rank of general.
The terms of pay and promotion have a communistic clause. Officers and soldiers will receive the same rates of pay as for corresponding ranks in the Army; but all ranks will receive 900 lire a month on active service, the Government holding that " the life of a soldier is of the same value as the life of an officer."'
Air Attaches will be re-introduced into the Italian Diplomatic Corps and the post will be filled only by Air Service officers. At first attaches will be appointed only at Washington, London, Paris, Berlin. Lieutenant-Colonel Alessandro Guidoni, at present acting Naval Attache at Washington, is to be appointed Air Attache and will be replaced in his present position.