Saturday, Mar. 10, 1923
ARIZONA: The State wants a seaport. The lower house of the Legislature unanimously passed a resolution requesting President Harding to negotiate with Mexico for a strip of land leading to the head of the Gulf of California.
ILLINOIS: Following the defeat of Edward R. Litzinger, of the Lundin machine, by Postmaster Arthur C. Lueder for the Republican mayoralty nomination, a Grand Jury investigation of the Chicago City Hall was authorized. This marks another step in the successful attack on the Thompson-Lundin organization, characterized as a " second Tweed ring."
KENTUCKY: Five ministers of Newport signed resolutions endorsing the Ku Klux Klan and condemning a recent raid on Klan headquarters in Ohio.
LOUISIANA: Attorney-General Coco completed his investigation of the Mer Rouge murders, and is prepared to submit his findings to a grand jury.
NEW YORK: An ordinance was brought before the New York City Council to bar all horse-drawn vehicles from Manhattan Island. It is being considered seriously, but is not likely to pass.
OHIO: Mayor Herbert H. Vogt of Massillon was removed from office by Governor Donahey, for misconduct, malfeasance and wilful neglect of duty. The mayor, accused of an alliance with bootleggers, was suspended six weeks ago.
OHIO: By a vote of 80 to 12 the House of Representatives defeated a bill making it a felony for three or more members of a secret organization to appear in public, masked, in the regalia of the organization.
OREGON : Governor Walter Pierce and Mayor Baker of Portland spoke at a Ku Klux Klan dinner given for the Grand Dragon of Oregon. Their remarks were on "Americanism ".
TENNESSEE: The Senate defeated a bill to require physical examination as a prerequisite to marriage for both men and women.
ISLE OF PINES: American citizens protested because on Lincoln's Birthday Cuban police threatened to arrest anyone flying the American flag. The status of the island, taken from Spain in the Spanish-American War, never has been decided. Doubt still exists as to whether it is a possession of the United States or of Cuba.