Saturday, Mar. 03, 1923
Lithuania vs. Poland
The dying fires of the Polish-Lithuanian boundary dispute over Vilna do not signify that the heat is dead. An armistice agreed upon by both sides is only a lull in the hostilities that have been adding their quota to wrecking the peace equilibrium maintained with such immense difficulty in Europe.
Only a few days ago Lithuania was shelling the Polish front and many casualties have been reported. It is to Poland's credit that she has refrained as far as possible from taking any steps calculated to aggravate an already serious position. As the final decision with reference to the demarcation line between Poland and Lithuania rests with those governments, it is at least comforting that they had the good sense to come together with the intention of trying to settle their dispute by peaceable methods.
In 1920 a dispute arose over the boundary line and a neutral zone was agreed upon, pending final settlement by the Council of the League of Nations. It was not until February 3 of this year that an equitable decision was arrived at. The Poles, acting under instructions from the League occupied that part of the neutral zone allotted to them, but met with stiff resistance from the Lithuanians. Strictly speaking, Lithuania has incurred financial and economic penalties by resisting the decision of the League, although the time is hardly opportune for the enforcement of such punishment. From a legal point of view, however, neither country is bound to accept outside arbitration.
The usual rumors are current stating that Soviet Russia is causing the dissension. This time, however, there is some foundation. Tchitcherin, Soviet Foreign Minister, in a note to the Lithuanian Government offering mediation, says: "My government is disturbed over the new complications arising between Lithuania and Poland." This is legitimately regarded as a bid for power by the Russians. Poland has, however, refused to accept Bolshevik mediation; so, after all, Tchitcherin may be looking for other means to secure his end.